Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 2 Progress

I lost 2 lbs. this week!!!  I had some slip ups, but really kept close to my calorie count.  Knowing that I am going to have to record what I put in my mouth has deterred me from going crazy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stress Eating

This week I am only 212 calories over my weekly goal.  That is 40 % improvement over last week.  I've been committed to recording all of my calories each day, even if they are shamefully high in empty calories.

One pitfall this week has been the phenomenon of stress eating.   This week my baby was cutting 2 molars.  He was constantly crying and wanted to be held all day every day.  That will wear a lady down for sure.  Munch, munch, munch.

Midweek, we got a call for our first foster placement.  We are confident that God is going to be our strength as we take on this HUGE new responsibility.  However, getting all of the logistics worked out has proven to raise my stress level.  Munch, munch, munch.

Getting everything in order has made my week task heavy.  My big boy is VERY sensitive to frenzy and has, of course, been EXTRA naughty.  Munch, munch, munch.

But as an object lesson God made me keenly aware that eating did not help.  I recall a moment of sugary weakness this week when I just thought; "That just didn't taste as good as I thought it would."  It occured to me that that truth can be applied to many other things we try to use to comfort our souls.  Milky Ways do not care about me.  Fudgy brownies do not get heartsick when I am far from them.  Food was made to nourish and to be enjoyed.  It was not made to be a Savior.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Gotta Pray Just To Make It Today

Happy Halloween all!  Today's weigh in revealed....nothing.  I didn't lose any weight.  I didn't gain any either, but that's not the point.   However, I am REALLY committed to getting to a healthy weight.  If last week was bad, I just have to tweak my approach and try again.  Quitting is not an option. 

I am sort of glad that I have this level of resolve today because I WANT CANDY.  But knowing that I got zero results from last week, I know I don't have the calories today to indulge.  I am going to relax and trust God.  In His kindness we are extremely busy during the afternoon.  That will really help me get through my rough hours.  Also, I have a ton of sugar free candy in my cupboards (left over from trying South Beach).  Though I am not an advocate of using fake sugar, today it is a way out for me and I fully intend to use it. 

I have friended someone on .  I hope that it helps keep me on track.  I have committed to track everything, even if it's embarrassing.  Knowing that she gets to see my food diary is frightening.  Crossing my fingers that peer pressure will help!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Inconvenient Truth

For the week I am 347 calories over my goal.  To be honest, it's much better than I thought it would be.  I have not been as vigilant about keeping track as I had hoped, but it worked out in the end I guess.
Here are some things I have learned this week:

  • Healthy food is not convenient.  We had a very busy week (livin' la vida minivan).  Several times I had to just make the best choices I could for the circumstance.  

  • Afternoon is a rough time for me.  I have had more "oopsie" moments between lunch and dinner than any other time during the day. 

  • If I have it in the house, I WILL eat it.  Now that the ice cream is gone from my freezer, I hope that I can curb sugar cravings in a healthier way.

In conclusion, hopefully next week will look a littler better.  I will take an official weight tomorrow and see where we are.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Progress...Not Perfection

My day went off track when someone bought me lunch. I knew we were going and where. I even had a plan. But I needed "Premium Salad" and she had a Dollar Menu budget. Loving her and enjoying time together without anyone feeling awkward was much more beneficial than getting my daily servings of vegetables.

I still made fairly healthy choices, but going off plan made me feel all defeated. I may or may not have had 3
half cup servings of ice cream upon arriving home.

My boo-hind only made my calorie goal
today because I chose to forego dinner.

All this to say...tomorrow is another day. Gotta keep trucking because I am in process and I can't quit because I fail a time or two.